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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Second Job Interview

So after completing my last job interview, I became quite concerned because the position was only part time (15hrs/week).  I knew that wasn't enough for me to live on, and I was going to have to start out commuting from Cedar City, an hour away.  That's a lot of time and gas, even in my little car.  On top of that, I was definitely going to have to get a second part time job to help meet expenses.  Having done the dual job thing this past semester, I wasn't looking forward to it.  Then, thanks to my dismal experience this past Sunday at church in St. George, when Mom suggested looking at jobs in Las Vegas, I was a little more willing to consider the idea.  Mom emailed three job postings, and Monday I sat down and sent in my applications.  The job I was most interested in was working for the Challenger school in Vegas.

For the past couple of days I have been a mess of stress as I've been going back and forth about whether or not I should go ahead and take the job in St. George.  I'd prayed about it accepting it, and had gotten the impression that it would be okay if I did.  However, my mind was never really at peace about that decision.  Then yesterday I got a call from the Challenger school.  As part of the application process I had been required to write a short essay about my view of America.  The gentleman I spoke to had found it interesting that someone with my experience in Early Childhood and in Education had expressed those views.  So, I was invited to come interview next Wednesday.

After talking to Mom about it, she told me she had prayed that morning that if I was supposed to move to Vegas I would get a call back from one of those jobs.  Well, what do you know... I'm a little nervous and little excited.  If I get this job it will basically be a promotion from what I've been doing since I graduated from college.  I'll definitely have new challenges and will have to stretch in ways I haven't had to before.  What is certain, if I get this job, it's because the Lord knows I can do it, so I will just have to depend on Him to meet the potential He sees in me.

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