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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Spring Break!

So this past week was my Spring Break, and boy did I need it.  A whole week off from my little dirt devils.  So on Saturday, early if not so bright since it was 5:30, Uncle Mike and Aunt Kelly drove me to the airport so I could fly back home.  My wonderful father spent Saturday driving between GSP and CLT to drop mom off, and pick me up.  After picking me up from the mess that is Charlotte-Douglas airport, we headed back to Rock Hill where we stopped for burgers at Five Guys.

Sunday morning was church, and it was nice to be back in a ward where people actually know who I am.  :)  After church, dad and I went home to make lunch.  We had ham, potato salad, and cream style corn.  And we had a lot of it.  Afterward we took naps and watched Frozen, since we could turn the sound up as loud as we liked without anyone telling us to turn it down.

Monday I got up and did some shopping.  I've lost enough weight that none of my summer clothes fit very well, so I definitely needed some new capris.  So i headed to Kohls.   I ended up with two pairs; a blue jean pair and a grey pair.  Then I headed to Belk.  They don't have Belk out west, and I haven't been impressed with the dress selection of the stores they do have.  I also came to the conclusion that I don't particularly like dress shopping by myself.  It's not nearly as much fun.  I did find a dress, however, so the trip was successful.  For dinner, Dad and I hit one the places that was on my eat-out list: McCalister's.  

Tuesday was a lazy day, mostly because the forecast was for cool and rainy.  My kind of day!  I stayed home, caught up on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, and Person of Interest, and just kinda of vegged.  I did do my fingernails, using the Jamberry nails I bought before spring break.  They didn't turn out perfectly, but I really like them anyway.  When Dad got home, we walked the dogs, and then went and got frozen yogurt.  The place we go to now has pistachio, and it is really good.

Wednesday I took my time getting up and heading out of town for Athens.  I hadn't seen mom's side of the family in a long while, so I took advantage of being on the East coast to make the trip.  It was just overnight, but I got to see Grambudder, Pawpaw, Kakcy & Rog, and Aaron.  Thursday morning before I headed home Grambudder and Pawpaw fed me bacon, eggs, and biscuits for breakfast.  I drove home about noon (remembering why I hate I-85), and got home a little before Dad.  We walked the dogs, and then headed for Fatz.  In honor of Grandpa Ed I got a bowl of baked potato soup to go with my calabash chicken wrap.

Friday was another lazy day.  I really wasn't ready to think about heading back to Vegas, but I had to get ready.  I washed clothes and watched the episodes of Elementary I had missed.  When dad got home we, again, walked the dogs, and good thing too, because it started to rain.  We made a short trip out to Walmart, and then ate at Zaxby's, the last place on my restaurant list.  Dad took around to let me get a couple pics for my blog, and then we headed home.  I finished packing, and we watched a little bit of the 25th anniversary special of Les Mis.

Saturday morning I woke up to rain and temperatures in the 40's.  Unfortunately, it was also time for me to head back to Vegas.  I hated to leave, but I've only got 8 weeks left, and then I'm done!


 My Jamberry nails

Spring, Southern style

Now, I didn't eat out all the time.  I did do a little cooking while I was home.  I tried making french toast in a mug.

And since there were some super ripe bananas at the house, I made banana nut bread/muffins.

Me and my girl.