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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Happy New Year!

So it has been a crazy six months since I moved to Las Vegas.  I have to admit, I really needed Christmas break, although it involved a lot of emotional up and downs for me.  I loved spending time with Matt, Vanessa, the boys, and Mom and Dad in Houston, and going back to SC was wonderful.  I have really missed my fuzzy kids, even when they drive me crazy.  Second Christmas with Jessi and Peter was lots of fun too.  I really enjoyed going to the St. George temple as a family.  And then we got back to Vegas.  Mom and Dad already know how hard that was on me.  I was dreadfully homesick before they even left.  Fortunately for me, if not for Mom and Dad, the Lord was taking care of me and let me have them both here a few extra days.  It sure helped me, though I know Mom wasn't thrilled having to take the extra, unplanned, time off of work.  All in all, it was an interesting, and emotional, Christmas break.
The Houston Christmas Spread.  
Matt and the boys in their matching Lobster pj's.
Joshua and Nathan going to see the Christmas lights at the Houston zoo.

J-man being himself.
Nathan talking to PopPop
Most of the family at the Texas.  Mom is taking the picture.