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Sunday, November 10, 2013

A New Update!!

So, since I'm staying at Uncle Mike and Aunt Kelly's house, I can't get my laptop to talk to the internet.  My Ipad works fine, but it's rather difficult to post from it.  So what has happened since July?  Well, first, Grandpa and I made the drive all the way from SC to NV, with a layover in San Antonio to see Matt and Vanessa.  Immediately upon arriving in Vegas I started a brand new job.  I have been nothing but stressed since.  I work in a 4 year old Pre-K class with 17 boys and 4 girls.  Take a moment and try to imagine that.  Once your brain reboots we can continue.

The one saving grace has been having Jessi and Peter only 3 hours away in Cedar City.  I head their way about once a month; more often if I can.  It's nice having immediate family so close by.  On one of my recent trips that way, we also made a trip up to Salt Lake City.  I have decided that I will most likely be moving there next year since the social life for mid-singles in Vegas is pretty much non existent.  I've included some pictures I took at Temple Square during that trip. 

Jessi took this picture for me.

I'm actually very proud of this picture because it is a composite made of two different pictures.  Hooray for my mad Adobe Photoshop skills!

Just to prove Jessi and Peter actually came with me.
I know this isn't the most exciting post, but I wanted to get something up to let everyone know I'm still alive.  Hopefully I will be able do this more often, even if it means more trips to Cedar City :).